Final Draft : by Mr. Robert C. Gamez

June 28, 2016


My name is Robert Gamez # 131401 I’ve spent the previous 14 years of my life in prison studying criminal law & civil law.  My long time personal goal has been to improve the criminal justice system, so therefore, the illiterate could have an adamant voice to describe the everyday abuse(s), in our prison(s), I’ve made significant progress on shedding light on the severe disadvantages prisoners face under the most restrictive conditions .

Robert Gamez 131401 Confined in Solitary Confinement for 14 yrs ask Az Gov. & ADOC to Stop Mental Torture against AZ Prisoners .

I am writing this letter with grave concern regarding events of systemic suborn of police perjury from Arizona State Officials who have knowingly Acquiesced in a pattern of civil right violations in order to secure convictions . Today’s Court system has proven to be one sided prejudicial and Sadly Acts as a barrier to prevent our Voices from being heard .

Next the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) has housed me in long term Solitary Confinement throughout my entire time in prison . My day to day Regimen depends largely on the uncertainty of Suicide, Whereas, you slowly lose your grip on your willingness to survive it’s uncontrollable ! Despite extensive research from Human Rights organizations and Mental Health experts including stipulations between the ACLU and ADC Condemning the use of long term isolation  ADC prison officials continuously profit from this unpredictable choice of rehabilitation .

It’s clear that prison only serves as a basis for recidivism and is designed to only encourage violence, drug abuse, to disproportionately imprison people from Low-Income Communities and with time has has shown the ” War on Drugs ” Rhetoric was in fact propagated to thwart the civilization of a less popular class, thereby, acting as a revolving door to to our Mass Incarceration epidemic . The Court system isn’t designed to free the innocent or wrongfully convicted or better yet Redeem the Guilty . Prisoners are often victims themselves trapped in a profound pre-existing social justice .


EPA Superfund Sites among Low-Income Hispanic and Black communities 2016, have spread larger worldwide most sites have detected Volatile Organic Compounds, Carcinogenic Solvents including heavy metals such as  Lead, Cadmium, Copper,  and Agent Orange among our Public Schools In the drinking water supply such as faucets and Air Vents, for decades before being placed on Superfund National Priorities List or Cleaned Up exposing children to such hazardous chemicals for certain periods can be Health Hazardous to the children even at low levels of exposure and can cause brain damage such as where I grew up in Tucson, AZ  among the TIA Superfund Sites TCE, Groundwater Contamination 1980’s . I attended the Liberty Elementary School where TCE, detected at high levels 942 times the State Levels, and Maldonado Elementary School were Parameters of Agent Orange were detected 1987, school shut down but importantly the students could not be transferred to another school that could detect no contaminants before TUSD, made the decision where students would be transferred and educated while cleaning up the schools trapped contaminants,  Liberty Elementary School never re opened however, remains a GED, School and Daycare Center for applicable Low income working class moms or dads living below poverty levels .

Prisoners are offered little to no resources for self improvement, with the adequate educational programs behind prison walls, those seeking to rectify their lives would have a far better chance of success upon release . Yet, the Criminal  Justice system has kept us deprived of our strongest source of liberation ie Education Prisoners could contribute time and energy to ensure a better world .

On another note,  Counsel and Myself are preparing to present a Political Trial on Arizona District Court ( see Gamez v. Ryan et 12-cv-0760 PHX-JJT ) . The Civil Rights Action would be interwoven with a Social Injustice, this type of trial would enable prisoners to expose real ” Clear & Present Danger ” to this Country . Prison is not and never will be a wholesome Environment . Any pre conceived prejudicial bias against prisoners who who have been convicted of a crime are facially eradicated during jury Voir Dire . Yet, prisoners are tried by jury’s not of their social or economical background .

I’d like to demonstrate before a Jury how a widespread social injustice, Racism, and the power to control has evolved into a mass incarceration epidemic .

Police brutality in prison isn’t viewed as being unconstitutional because it’s so common .

Who cares what goes on behind Prison Walls ? 

” What happens behind prison walls stays in Prison ” 

This has become the accepted Mantra that ignites the psychological power to Control and Legitimize Atrocious Conditions of prisoners that too often gets swept under the Rug . The ” Code of Silence ” within the prison context is Alive and Seething  with a Social Injustice few could fully comprehend . This indifference has provided Law Enforcement with a shield of ” Impunity ” under the erroneous disguise of ” National Security ” .

In an unprovoked incident ADC Employees Norris & Valentine egregiously beat a restraint prisoner on his way home from his Shower because they believed Robert, Disobeyed a ” Direct Order ” as will be shown, it is totally irrelevant whether the prison has set policies and procedures to deter officer on Inmate Assaults because on this day the officers violated every one of them .

As could be predicted, the defendant were not held accountable for their actions . If this incident would have happened to Arizona streets Robert, would be laying face down, handcuffed, shot to death and labeled ” Justified Homicide ” in the Morning News .

Id like to Raise serious Awareness on this False Notion of ” Impurity “, which is the Real  Criminal here. On this day defendants believed it was their duty to extent Justice and Punishment on Robert,  Just so we’re clear the law says the punishment for being convicted of a crime is the ” Prison Sentence ” . Yet, the law enforcement Community see the Prison as a place to inflict terror and abuse upon its prisoners until all hope of humanity is lost . Prison is an unrelenting Machine turning societies underpl ledged around and around faster faster and faster in a vicious cycle of misery brutality, frame-ups and Assassinations, there agenda is to rely on an atmosphere of fear as opposed to addressing the deep seated Motive in this case .

In my opinion, societies today isn’t as obvious to there smoke screen of propaganda and leis that the Law Enforcement community has employed to cover up and hide there police brutality . Everywhere you look now in this day of technology and Cameras we see more and more proof of those of these abuses of power . If prison officials were genuinely concerned with ” Security ” as opposed to ” Exposure ” then why doesn’t this Supermax prison have Surveillance Cameras ” in their cell blocks and it is understandable because society would be outraged at the abuses carried out on a daily basis inside our prison .

The Defendants have an inherited process of discrediting and Demoralizing the integrity of the elementary Rights of Prisoners all across the country. The Target of this false premise is not only Robert, but the U.S Constitution itself at the end of this trial, there will be No Question No Doubt,  whatsoever, that on May 7, 2011 Defendant Norris and Valentine had so strongly a psychological belief that it was their duty to take the law into their own hands and should be held accountable for their vicious assault on the US. Constitution .

” Alright Gentlemen I am Taking over Now ”


Robert C. Gamez 

Mr. Robert C. Gamez # 131401

ASPC- Lewis – Rast Max

P.O Box 3600

Buckeye, AZ 85326



















2 thoughts on “Final Draft : by Mr. Robert C. Gamez

  1. Jewels Rodriguez

    Qvole Mr. Robert C. Gamez. I first want to say that I hope you are safe and staying strong considering your unjust and inhumane living conditions. I too can relate to the experience of being locked down in solitary confinement but not quite the stint you had to endure. So I have the utmost respect and sympathy for your ability to not succumb to such cruel tactics. I know everyday is a battle dealing with the inability to break free from the mental bondage that is in place to distort your mind and cripple your spirit. However rise above and just know you are a true warrior and you have a remarkable story and message that needs to be taken into consideration and shared with the World! I’m from Phoenix, Arizona so your words are relatable and cut deep like an obsidian dagger! I know words can fall on deaf ears but your articulate ability paints a compelling account for me and you have my full attention. Just know as your hermano that I am proud of you for believing in yourself to not be a victim but provide a voice for the voiceless. That truly is commendable. The compassion you carry to want to make an impact and change or reform the criminal justice system is remarkable. Never let go of that, that deep seeded feeling has sustaining powers! You are definitely on a higher level of consciousness meant to be a beacon of light for those in need of awakening and on a lower vibrational frequency. But that can always change so don’t let the system change your moral compass and conviction, minimize your self worth, or brutality force break you down. Do all you can to live to fight another day, that day being in the court of law. I’m praying for you Hermano. Just know I too have fell victim to the justice system as a juvenile and had a bumpy road with petty misdemeanors because of bad choices and being a victim and product of my environment and upbringing. My parents were victims of the War on Drugs running the streets and for the most part of my life incarcerated. They are now deceased and that was something I had to endure as an adolescent. I’m in my mid-30’s now. I understand societal ills and the many vices brought upon people of color by occupation and colonialism. I respect and admire your courage to bring justice to another brother/human who dies at the hands of police brutality. I know you are bringing your personal account as well as his and others to the forefront. I will be following your case in Arizona. I wish you the best of luck and may Quetzalcoatl and all our fallen warriors and ancestors be with you! Just know I am being proactive in getting your messages across to others and have been researching the issues you have underlined in your report. I am aware of the prison strikes going across the US and the World as well. Just keep hanging on and may True Justice for Our Gente and Cosmica Razas be served! May this reply give you strength to keep fighting the Good fight! The only real recourse and action given your hard work and efforts through self education. I’ll pray for you. I love you like a brother! I’ll be in touch! One Live. Sincerely Mexica Soldado aka Jewels


  2. Pingback: Riverside County Jails hunger strike, and other ongoing US prison issues | Cautiously pessimistic

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